Friends of the Torrance Library
Programs Sponsored by the Friends of the Torrance Library
For dates and times of current programs ask at the Library front desk.
Story Times
Baby Time: For ages 6 to 18 months and their caregivers. Designed to build pre-literary skills. Songs, books, games included.
Toddler Time: For ages 18 months to 3 years and their caregivers.
Family Time: For the entire family. Stories, songs and fun.
After-School Program
Teen and Tween Programs For after-school fun and interactive activities.
Summer Reading Program Includes an interactive reading incentive program, weekly special programs featuring a performer
or craft, and storytime programs. Incentives are awarded as the you progress through the program.
Adult Programming Includes Meet the Author, lectures, films, musical performances, crafts and book discussion groups.
In addition to the ongoing programs, the Friends have provided funding for new materials to the library collections. After a program is established, the library includes further acquisitions in its budget. Examples of pilot programs are DVDs, manga,
anime, Playaways, e-mail, e-books, Blu-ray, and downloadable audio books.
In addition, the Friends of the Torrance Library also provide funding for special equipment used for public programs and assist with community outreach programs.